HEALTH in 2009 when they dressed exactly like your dad's idea of a hipster.
Source: Redefine

...prompted by nothing much more concrete than the fact that I've seen my esteemed associates over on r/industrial posting a lot about HEALTH, who seem to be an industrial band that hipsters like or used to like, or a hipster band that industrial fans seem to like.

When I started getting into industrial music, most people I'd consider to be "hipsters" were listening to blandly hummable, made-for-mobile-adverts mush like MGMT or their parents' old nonce rock records or genuinely, awe-inspiringly awful & almost knowingly unlistenable (even to a Whitehouse fan) dreck like ear pwr. If today's hipsters - whoever the fuck they may be - are now listening to good (i.e. industrial) music, then my inclination is not to shoo them off our lawn but to welcome them into our squalid little basement commune and offer them a lukewarm can of Red Stripe.

Lacking its own cohesive subculture (remember when "rivet heads" were a thing? Of course you bloody well don't, you didn't go to high school in 90s America) industrial has always attracted a selection of waifs & strays from other genres and scenes. For better or for worse, the industrial "community" today is a hodge podge of hippies, goths, punks, post-punks, art school kids, ravers, ex-ravers, the odd metalhead and assorted oddballs who fetishise everything from Soviet military hardware to the smell of biscuit-tinned underpants. There's surely space for one or two hipsters among that lot!

Come on, move up and make some room on that stinking leather sofa. Who's got the powder?